"alternative periodic tables because they make me question science and they make my brain purr" - Lynne Peskoe-Yang
"physical copies of games n manga im most passionate bout. because i like seeing them displayed like timelines and lending them out to friends. one funny obsessive one would be the last of us, which i even collect regional copies of from around the world hahah, even have a 'review only not for sale' disc of it" - Kas
"Too many things. Oakley glasses, Marvel Hardcover collections, camera equipment, Halloween/Christmas decor, coins, action figures" - dannarchy
"i like to collect little trinkets i find interesting, for example novelty/pretty lighters. i also collect record vinyls or am trying to via battling my lack of moné. besides that just common things people collect i.e pins, keychains, plushies, tcg cards, figures, books etc. do plants count? my collection of those is forever growing lol. OH and occasional cards (birthday, christmas) from people and photographs !!!!! oh shit gemstones!! i only have one I don't think that counts as a collection" - Emrys
"I have a mild hoarding problem (jesting) I collect stuffed animals mostly, any of them that make me happy. Rocks and gemstones, I like quartzes the best, anime figures, mlp gen4 brushable figures and worms on string! OH I FORGOT and notes, doodles and cards from loved ones" - Jay
"i collect plushies: eevees, marills, disney cats from the urupocha series, little dogs from AMUSE's "mameshiba san kyodai" series...just a LOT of plushies lol" - Nami
"I mainly collect playline fashion dolls right now - monster high, rainbow high, lol omg etc. I love interesting and unique designs, and having a big army of pretty ladies staring at me every night is strangely very comforting. I also have a little nightmares collection, literally anything event mildly associated with that game including gaming magazines from the year of its release - I am very normal about it. I do also collect five nights at freddys merchandise but I was advised not to mention that for legal and moral reasons." - Topaz
"This is fairly recent, but I’m starting to collect silk scarves. I inherited a bunch of my nana’s and it turns out I love to wear them, so now keeping an eye out for them at thrift stores and antique stores!" - Katie C
"Vashti's a sucker for Calico Critters (aka Sylvanians), also pins & keychains... I just like to be accessorized. I have a $2 bill collection too. & a small collection of figures. & Beanie Babies. & Build a Bear clothes. & how could I forget my sticker collection! & stamps. Everything I like I try to collect, haha. I think collecting is an act of making certain parts of ourselves, like our interests, tangible. I think it's similar to how there's a difference between knowing someone & then really knowing them once you see their room. Your thoughts about them can be confirmed or denied in a more concrete way based off of the physical. Does that make sense? I feel like I'm writing too much lol" - Vashti
"I enjoy collecting video games, both retro and contemporary - though I don't try to complete whole-ass libraries, just the stuff that actually interests me even slightly (because I do actually like not being penniless and destitute). Often I find something I've never seen before that seems interesting and I just go for it on the spot. Outside of that, I like collecting just any ol' trinket or baubel, knick-knack or doo-dad that strikes my fancy! Flea markets and second-hand stores are some of my favorite places to go when looking for unique stuff ya don't see every day." - Cold
"i collect cds, dvds at times too. but it appeals to me because of the artwork you find inside of the cd booklet, some artists are more creative than others with theirs, and i love to see it. certain albums include only a picture or two of the artist, maybe a simple background littered with song lyrics. but to me, the special ones include drawings, sometimes statements." - polyesterbride
"plushies + figures mostly. i also rlly like collecting cds! for both of these, theyre usually from media i like, and having something tangible to look at and feel is always nice" - tsumugsfish
"I collect "little guys" (tiny plastic figurines of all sorts), vintage stuffed animals, vintage stickers, and VHS tapes!" - beeep
"music because it's beautiful and has kept me alive and saneish for decades (horrible horrible decades!) and books for similar reasons" - eatyrselffitter
"A lot of things. First it was cameras (had an obsession with them when I was very young) and now it's pretty much just music. I'll snag an occasional camera but it's mostly just CDs and albums I'd download online." - darek
"Vintage postcards of mountains because they have a quality to them that feels like freedom and protection to me (the latter probably comes from my 4 1/2 years living in a valley), early 2000s digital cameras (i love experimenting with their quality & i'm hunting for one with an appropriate video feature), cds (i'm obsessed with physical media), and radios (i'm obsessed with independent radio stations)" - liedown1