df's brick wall

df's brick wall is a small space for df's personal junk and musings. I am completely uninterested in the social media aspect of NC. All I have to offer will be showcased on my site, not its profile.


11/04/23: Added even more to links page, fully organised.

08/04/24: Done with CSS for now, more additions/revisions to links page.

04/04/24: Further optimised CSS, shifted homepage visuals only slightly. Thank you guys for all the kind emails and messages! I hope my site is enjoyable for the state it's in...

04/03/24: Moved diary to Dreamwidth, added more images to the random images page, moved fanlistings/cliques/other things to homepage.

26/02/24: Created a diary and random images page. Temp link to Edison's page while I work on the character index.

23/02/24: DFBW v3 is here! Something simple yet abundant in its ugly puerility, and I would not have it any other way.. I'm really happy with it. I would say the palette is subject to change (e.g. am I really feeling the blue/yellow coord? My heart wants me to go for something a lot more red/rust in colour). Utilised tables in favour of grids, but this doesn't mean I hate the latter now. Adjusting my site into my current standard is always incredibly therapeutic.. If anyone faces any issues on here or what have you, I'm always available for contact. Going to start on my diary and add my art.


I go by df(bw) or burningship online. I'm a 22 y/o who lives in a sleepy peat bog somewhere in the UK. I'm half-wrought iron fence half brick wall with a little Aukerman caricature mixed in. My diet consists of wet wood and acid deposition. I will usually be found napping atop churches per my job as a part-time grotesque.


refresh, landing page, art, photography, writing, graphics, quizzes, random images, friends, external links, guestbook

Thank you for the messages!


joy to the world


it must have taken me almost two years to settle on the laptop i want, which isn't as insane as it sounds. at least, for me, it matters that much (unless if i was in such a hurry that i had to choose just from looks). to me it's an intricate ritual, it's like choosing a house, or a car. naturally you'd want to do as much research as possible for either, so i don't get the ridicule for putting in the same effort into a laptop. i've faced it, anyway. "just get this one, i hear it's new and folds right around!" i don't want another experimentally bust mclaptop that can't be repaired or modified. people assume i'm needlessly parsimonious. what i'm thinking is, why aren't you? ...
read more ...
Wario Land 4 - Credits


aromatic // rust
NPC Zappa

This site is (mostly) GHOST-FREE

Last updated on: 28 April, 2024. As long as this site is up, it will be under construction.
Web Clap by FC2

Hand coded with love by df
2014 - when Hell freezes over
wdfbw9 (at) (google mail address) (same as domain)